Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Access Denied in Office 365 Project Portfolio Dashboard (Project Server Permission)

Hello all

A quick update today on the Office 365 Project Portfolio Dashboard.
Whilst I create the WoW effect in demonstrating the new Dashboard functionality to all of my customer, I recently faced an issue.

Microsoft has released a new version of the Dashboard that I was eager to download (as all new things)

As soon as I installed the latest version I encountered an issue accessing the Dashboard :(

Then, I tried different things, such as verifying that I am in the right Project Server group, reinstalling the app. None appears to resolve the issue.

While showing the case to Microsoft, something in the description of the dashboard jumped out at me:
Can you believe that, while using Project Server Permission mode, users have to be in BOTH Project Server group AND SharePoint group... bad point for the management of the security from my point of view as we have 2 places to manage the security.

Anyway, after adding myself to the Administrator for Project Web App group, I have now access back to the office 365 Portfolio Dashboard 

Side note : I tried to cheat the system to add an AD group to that group but unfortunately, the Dashboard is not picking up those groups.

Happy Dashboarding

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